Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hello, and welcome to my blog. In the Upfront magazine, I read an article called “Celebrities for Sale” by Mark Bittman. The article covered how celebrities should be more thoughtful about which companies they make deals with, as many can cause dangerous problems.

Recently, Beyonce Knowles made a multi-year deal with Pepsi for $50 million. Like many other celebrities, she is lending her image to this company to endorse their product. But is what she is doing right? Soda and many other similar foods and drinks cause obesity and other related issues, yet she is encouraging others to consume it. She has no need for the money, either. Beyonce has donated to Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to get children to be more active, but she has also now put her face on a product that counteracts that campaign. Many other celebrities have also lent their image to similar companies.

I believe that this is not a wise decision. Celebrities shouldn’t endorse any products that can cause harmful and even life-threating conditions. Soda, for instance, isn’t real food.  It contains calories that don’t satisfy your appetite but instead lead directly to weight gain. Celebrities paint a picture saying that if you use this product, you can be as rich and glamorous as they are; this certainly isn’t true. They should think more before they sign a contract with a company whose decisions are affecting so many people negatively.


  1. Honestly, I think celebrities should stop being so hypocritical and stick to one opinion. I mean, Beyonce is saying how she is supporting all that Michelle Obama is doing to stop child obesity, yet Beyonce is sticking her face on soda, which is very unhealthy.

    I think it is sending out the wrong message. People may think: "Oh! Beyonce drinks this soda, so if I do, I will become as famous as her and gain lots of money!" This is good for the Pepsi company, but all that person was gaining was extra calories.

    I agree with your opinion that it is unwise, and could cause serious problems with people. You were right on how soda is calories that doesn't satisfy an appetite. I agree that celebrities should think before they sign into something that will gain them...what? It gains them money, but it is money that they most likely do not need. It doesn't make that much sense. I agree with your opinion on this article.

  2. Oh my. The first thing that popped into my mind when I read the word 'soda' was Shoda. I never liked soda, and I agree with your opinion on celebrities promoting unhealthy food items; especially when Michelle Obama is trying to promote a healthy lifestyle by changing our lunches to 'be more healthy'. :( It's a good thing I bring my lunch... But back to what I originally said. I didn't want that image. Ever. Those times were way too confusing and stressful but at the same time I have memories of us doing hilarious things, getting yelled at, filming in the rain and cold, gold hairspray, and family. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. I'm glad it did. It was a learning experience, for all.
    Keep On Chasin' Your Dreams,
