I’ve finally taken the time to post on my blog! Before I get to what I actually
wanted to talk about, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this.
Welcome to my blog.
the actual topic! I recently read an article that was quite interesting; the
title was “Arctic Meltdown” by Justin Gillis and Elisabeth Rosenthal. The title
sums up the article well, as it covers the topic of the rapidly melting ice in
the Arctic Ocean. This article covers the study of global warming and
increasing world temperatures, and how we are causing them.
In my
opinion, we should probably be paying more attention to what we are doing to
the Earth. I, personally, want to keep an eye on what I’m doing to the planet
that I live on and that I need to survive. In the article, it is mentioned that
global warming may lead to severe weather patterns; I definitely believe this is
true. I have noticed that the amount of bad storms we have been receiving increases
a bit every year, and that every year we seem to get less snow and have less
cold weather. I can tell that the climate is changing without even having to do
an in-depth analysis of it.
it mentions the rising of the oceans. The article stated that the biggest worry
is “the potential for a large rise in the level of the world’s oceans.” I don’t
believe that this will cause that much of a problem as the ice from which the
water would come is already in the water and displacing that water so the ice
underwater would just change to water. It is only the ice above water level
that the melting of would cause any rise in the water level. Still, this definitely
should be watched carefully.
people don’t really take the time to actually think about what they are doing
and how it will affect the future, but they should. Thank you for reading this,
and have a great day!
This is a really good post! I read the same artical and I believe you sumed it up very well! Keep up the great work :)